Red Bull發公告啦!Showrun最後一圈展演到底怎麼了?
上周日(9/28)於台中市政路舉辦的Red Bull Showrun活動,由於最後一趟展演結束後,出現了「衝擊性畫面」,導致媒體、YouTube以及專業人士的各方不同解讀。不過詳情到底是怎麼一回事,Red Bull也正式給出了回應。

關於Red Bull Showrun 最後一圈展演,Oracle Red Bull Racing說明如下:
When doing donuts, the exhaust manifold gets very hot which sometimes causes the bodywork to catch on fire.
To cool the exhaust and engine after a run, we use fire extinguisher to spray a little bit of Co2 on there. This is a normal procedure that we do at each showrun, even without fire present.
What happened at Red Bull Showrun Taichung was just cosmetic damage, the car and Yuki were both fine.
This does happen at showruns, because the car is designed to drive on track, and not do donuts. There is nothing dangerous about this at all.
而這次展演發生的僅為車體塗裝的輕微受損,賽車RB8與賽車手角田裕毅Yuki Tsunoda都一切安好。
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